Cancellation Policy

shopping again? You can cancel your order before the item(s) have been shipped. Friends never hold anything back and so we'll refund the full amount you've paid for such a cancellation.

Here's how you can cancel your order:
  • Log in to your account. and go to 'My Orders' from 'My Account'
  • Select the appropriate order from 'My Orders'
  • Click on 'Cancel Order' for the item(s) you want to cancel, individually

Once you're done, we'll send you an acknowledgement of the cancellation.

Can I cancel only part of my order?

Of course, you can! You don't have to let go of everything in your cart. Before the item(s) of your order have reached the shipping stage, you can select them individually in the 'Order History' tab and cancel them.

I want my money back. How will I get my refund when I cancel an order?

We know you’re counting down to refund day. Once your order has been cancelled, it will take around 15 working days for your refund to be processed and the amount to be transferred back to the source account. Check out the 'Refund Policy' to know more.

Why was my order cancelled by

It wasn’t easy for us, but sometimes we cancel orders for various reasons – the product could be out-of-stock, of unacceptable quality, etc. Once an order has been cancelled, the refund will be processed immediately.

If you have any questions about this Policy, please feel free to Contact Us through our Website.